My Favorite Colleges

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What are your top picks when it comes to colleges? Your subscription to JGR allows you to find colleges that are the best fit for you. Identify your desired attributes, roster openings, and projected rosters spots. JGR can help you check if you are a fit for their program.

One of most important questions in your search, does the college team still need recruits for your graduating year. Most of the top 50 programs each year have secured player commitments by the Fall of their Junior year of high school. If you are still expecting a return email or call from a team that is full, you are going to be disappointed. That being said, there are still hundreds of schools needing players. Focus on the teams in your scoring/ranking range, with at least one projected roster spot available.

JGR searches every day for new commitments/signing/transfers, and when changes are found, updates are made to the college’s projected roster.

College coaches are always trying to make next seasons team better than the current season. This means finding players that are as good or better than this seasons top three players.

JGR provides a graph for all Division I Men’s and Women’s teams, showing the scoring range and high school class ranking range coaches are targeting.

The reality of recruiting can be hard to accept, so targeting schools where you can improve the team is a win-win for you and the coach. If your profile fits in the graph with a colleges logo, there’s a good chance the coach will respond to email or phone calls, when NCAA rules allow.


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